How to Choose the Best Heated Blanket

29 Apr.,2024


How to Choose the Best Heated Blanket

Winter is just around the corner and if you live in a region that reaches below zero it can get expensive keeping your HV/AC or heaters on. You also don’t want to be cold when you’re trying to sleep at night. The best way to stay warm without increasing your electricity bill is investing in a heated blanket.

How to Choose the Best Heated Blanket

Winter is just around the corner and if you live in a region that reaches below zero it can get expensive keeping your HV/AC or heaters on. You also don’t want to be cold when you’re trying to sleep at night. The best way to stay warm without increasing your electricity bill is investing in a heated blanket.

Placing a heated blanket under your sheets warms up your bed instantly and provides you with comfort while you sleep. But how do you choose the best heated blanket? That’s what you can find out in this post. We’ve provided information on how electric blankets work, their benefits and how to choose the best one for your needs.

How do Heated Blankets Work?

A heated blankets is a flat piece of material with fiberglass cabling integrated into the fabric. When you plug your heated blanket in, it transforms electricity into heat. The heat generated by the fiberglass tubes is basically infrared which is safer.

This heat is distributed throughout the tubes inside the fabric and this heat is then transferred to you. Most people place their heating blankets underneath their sheets to keep them warm at night. But there are also other models such as small heating pads that you can place over your shoulders.

Benefits of Heated Blankets

The purpose of a heated blanket is to keep you warm during winter. However, these blankets provide users with many other benefits. Read this next section to find out what these benefits are.

Eases Muscle Tightness

Are you an athlete who suffers from tender muscles after a workout? Or do you sit in an uncomfortable office chair all day that causes discomfort? The warmth from a heated blanket can alleviate your pain.

Heat from the blanket increases blood flow in your body to speed up muscle repair and ease joint discomfort. If you have shoulder and neck pain you can get smaller products like the fast heating pad. This blanket wraps around your shoulders and has customized heat levels.

Improves Your Sleep

Changes in temperature can disrupt your sleep. This is especially true if you suffer from chronic pain. Heated blankets are also designed to promote better sleep. Using a heated blanket provides consistent heat throughout the evening so you don’t wake up from the cold.

Saves Energy

Did you know that heated blankets are energy-efficient? Increasing the thermostat in your home can raise your electricity bills each month. These nifty blankets can’t heat up an entire room, but they do provide consistent warmth when switched on.

How to Choose the Best Heated Blanket

Not every heated blanket is the same so it’s important to look at a few key factors before choosing one. Here are a few specifications you should consider before buying a heated blanket.


Heating blankets come in all shapes and sizes. There are heating pads such as the that are designed for targeted pain relief. This heating pad is smaller and ideal for one person. It can be put on a bed, couch or even the floor.

On the other hand, you also get larger heating blankets that are designed to go on your bed. If you’re buying a warm blanket for your bed, make sure it’s the correct length and width for your bed size.


Another specification to consider is the material the heated blanket is made from. There are some heating pads that are made with soft microfiber material. There are also electric blankets made with soft, plush material like the that fits perfectly on a double bed.

The HM-BD002 model doesn’t have to be placed under a sheet. This means you can sleep on top of or under the blanket. You must choose a heated blanket with a material that won’t irritate your skin. Additionally, make sure the material is washable by checking the labels of the item.

Heating Controls

One of the most important features to consider is the controls on a heated blanket. You must be able to adjust the temperature of your blanket using a twist dial or a button. The Taotronics EJ-BD036 Sable electric heated throw has three options: Low, medium and high.

By pressing the button on the heated blanket, you can set it to a temperature you prefer. You also want to make sure that the control pad is easy to reach. Ideally, you want a heated blanket that has a longer cord so you can place the control pad on a table next to you.

Ease of Maintenance

Like any type of blanket your electric one can get dirty over time. Therefore, you’ll want to choose a blanket that’s easy to keep clean. Some heated blankets are machine washable. Read the instructions carefully when maintaining your electric blanket so you don’t damage the wiring.

Safety Features

Modern heating blankets come with many safety features. Choose a blanket that has an automatic shut off feature so that it turns off when you’re not using it. The blanket should also have overheated protection so that the item’s material doesn’t burn.

Furthermore, the blanket’s fabric should be thick enough to protect your skin from burns. There should be no exposed wires or piping.


Some electric blankets simply come with a dial control without any indication lights. You want to choose a heated blanket that has LED lights to show you what temperature it’s on. There are also models that have a digital display so you can see the temperature level in low-light conditions.

Final Thoughts

If you were looking for ways to keep warm this winter without raising your electricity bills, then a heated blanket might be the answer you’re looking for. However, it’s important to choose the right electric blanket to experience all the benefits of the product.

For targeted pain relief we recommend getting a heated pad. But for improved sleep and comfort consider getting a large, plush blanket for your bed. Use this guide to assist you with all the information you need to choose the right heated blanket for your needs.

Electric Blanket Manufacturers in China: Your Gateway to ...

Many people know the importance of using a heat blanket in winter. They know it can help them to stay warm and comfortable while sleeping. However, they are unsure where to find China's best electric blanket manufacturer. As an entrepreneur, you can use this and bring electric blankets closer to these people.

The good news is that you do not have to look further than China to purchase electric blankets. Many manufacturers offer high-quality products at competitive prices that will help you stay warm for longer.

This guide includes some things you should consider when choosing a heat blanket from China. We will also provide tips on finding the best electric blanket manufacturer from China so your purchase goes as smoothly as possible.

1.      Electric Blanket Market Trends

The use of electric blankets to provide comfort and warmth during cold weather has increased significantly over recent years. This trend has increased the sales volume of electric blankets in all major regions worldwide. To understand how this market is expected to grow, it will be essential to understand some of its key trends and drivers that are expected to contribute significantly towards its overall growth over the next few years:

1) Increased use in households

The primary reason why many people buy electric blankets is that they are a more cost-effective way of providing warmth than using other forms of heating, such as firewood or kerosene stoves. Another reason for this increasing demand is that these products are easy to use and install without professional help from an electrician or plumber. Many people who previously did not own an electric blanket now have one as part of their household inventory due to its affordability and convenience.

2) Government Initiatives

Several governments worldwide are exploring ways and means to promote healthy living habits by promoting health awareness programs for people who lead busy lifestyles and do not get enough time for exercise or physical activities. These initiatives will help in increasing sales volumes of electric blankets in their respective countries by providing incentives for individuals who purchase these products from their stores or online portals as well as offering rebates/discounts on such purchases

4) Increasing number of people suffering from cold weather conditions

As per a report by Business Insider, more than half of all Americans suffer from cold-related health issues at least once a year. That may include coughs and sneezes, aches and pains, fever and chills, sore throat, sinus headaches, congestion, etc. Cold weather also increases the consumption of medicines and other products such as heaters, hand warmers, hot water bottles, and even electric blankets for better health benefits.


2.      The Best Seller Electric Blanket Sale &Sourcing Price

The best seller of wholesale electric blanketswholesale electric blankets is that who offers reasonable prices. Whether you are looking for a king-size or queen-size electric blanket, you should ensure that you are getting value for your money.

3.      What Are The Pros And Cons Of Electric Blankets?

Electric blankets are the best choice for a warming effect without using your heater or stove. The blanket can be used in any homeroom, but it is best placed in the living room or bedroom, keeping you warm all night.

The pros and cons of electric blankets are:


·         Convenient

Electric blankets are very convenient because you do not have to worry about turning them on and off again once plugged in. You can leave it on all night and wake up warm and comfortable.

·         Effective

Electric blankets heat the environment because they create more heat than traditional heaters. That means people sleeping under electric blankets can stay warm all night without turning their heater on again or waking up early to turn it off.

·         Easy to use

Electric blankets are easy to use because they do not need tools or equipment other than an outlet and an outlet cord. Anyone who has used an electrical appliance before will know how easy it is to use one.

·         They save energy

Electric blankets may be more energy efficient than other forms of heating, as they use less energy to produce the same amount of heat.


They do not require messy spills: Electric blankets are not shabby like traditional heaters that need cleaning up after use.

·         They save energy

Electric blankets do not require oil or wood to operate, which means less money is spent on fuel costs and lower carbon emissions caused by burning gas or oil for heat.

·         They are eco-friendly

Electric blankets use no oil, so they are more eco-friendly than other heating methods, such as fireplaces and space heaters.


-The blankets can be bulky, which may not be ideal for those with limited space in their homes or apartments.

-The blankets take a long time to heat up, so they are not ideal if you need something quickly on cold nights or mornings after getting out of bed in the morning before it gets dark outside (or if you are going somewhere and do not want to wait around for your blanket).

4. How Electric Blankets Work?

Electric blankets work by passing AC electricity through wires in an electric blanket. As the electricity passes through these wires, it produces heat energy that can be used by your body to keep you warm at night.

Electric blankets use a power pack that plugs into an electrical outlet or a battery pack that plugs into an outlet, as well as a transformer that converts AC power into DC for charging up the power pack and battery pack, depending on whether you choose an AC or DC model of an electric blanket.

5.      How Blankets Are Made?

Electric blankets are manufactured in factories. They are made by heating a mixture of plastic and metal foil. The mixture is then molded into the final shape of the blanket. The electric blanket is then covered with a layer of fabric and sewn together.

Electric blankets are made from polyethylene plastic (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or polyester fiber. They can be solid or air-filled, allowing them to heat up faster than traditional electric blankets.

6.      How Many Watts Electric Blankets?

The wattage of an electric blanket is measured in watts. The higher the number, the warmer the veil will be. Most electric blankets have a rating of around 100 watts or more, enough to heat most rooms very well.

The power of your electric blanket is measured in kilowatts (kW). A higher number means it will heat your room faster and keep you warm for extended periods. The higher the kilowatt rating, the more power it takes to run your electric blanket.

An electric blanket with low wattage may still provide good comfort if you use it on a freezing night or want something that will not add too much weight to your bedding set but keeps you warm enough during the winter.

7.      What Electric Blanket Is Best?

The best electric blankets are the ones that will keep you warm when it is cold and will not keep you too hot when it is hot.

However, it would help if you considered many other factors before buying an electric blanket. Here are some of the main ones:

How much space do you have? When shopping for an electric blanket, measuring the space available in your room is essential. If there is not much space open, look for a smaller model. If a lot of space is available, look for a larger model.

Do you want to use the electric blanket while you sleep or just during the winter? If you only want to use it at night when it gets cold outside and then put it away during the summer, then a tiny model might be best. However, if you want to use it throughout the year, consider one of those large models with plenty of extra features like warming settings and other extras that can help keep you warm all year.

8.      Where To Buy Electric Blankets?

The importation and exportation of goods have gone digital. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and suppliers can now market and sell their products online to other businesses and consumers. They can do so using various business-to-business and business-to-consumer platforms that have earned the trust of companies and buyers. Today, you do not have to travel to China to import electric blankets or other products. You can choose which online marketplace to use, and thousands of wholesalers, suppliers, and manufacturers will be selling directly to your country.

While many of these online marketplaces exist, not all offer the same services and level of trust. To save you time, we have listed a few top marketplaces you can trust:

Besides these websites, you can use one of the many sourcing agents to make your work easier. These agents, like Huntersourcing -China sourcing agents, will do everything for you, from price negotiation to monitoring production and ensuring that your blankets reach your destination country within the shortest period possible.

9.      How do you choose the best Electric Blanket manufacturer from China?

Choosing China's proper Electric Blanket manufacturer to export for your business can be challenging. It is important to note that there are many different types of manufacturers, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.

There are several factors that you need to consider when choosing an Electric Blanket manufacturer from China:

·         Quality

The quality of the product is one of the essential factors in choosing an electric blanket manufacturer from China. Remember that if you want your effects to last for a long time, then it is vital that you choose a manufacturer with a good reputation for quality control.

·         Warranty

The second thing you should look for when choosing an electric blanket manufacturer is a warranty on the product, which will protect you against any problems after purchase. You can also check the packaging and ensure nothing is missing, such as manuals or warranties. If there are any missing items, could you make sure they are marked so you know what to expect from them when using the blanket?

·         Certificates

If you want to export your goods, the company you choose must have all the certificates and licenses required by the country they will be shipping to. That ensures they are legally allowed to sell their products in your market. All companies must have specific qualifications and licenses before qualifying as an electric blanket manufacturer.

·         Design

The design of an electric blanket can be a good indicator of how well the product will perform. The design should be appealing, functional, and durable enough to last many uses. If you want an electric blanket that will last for years, look for something designed with longevity. Some designs are more prone to breaking or wearing out over time, so please ensure your chosen manufacturer has handled these issues before creating their product line.

·         Customize

One of the first things you should look at when choosing an electric blanket manufacturer is to see if they can customize their products for your business. Your business must get what it wants; it may not be your best choice if it cannot do this.

·         Logo

Could you look at the logo and research it to find out if the company is reputable? You should look for an electric blanket brand in business for several years to be known locally and internationally and provide quality products at reasonable prices.

·         Features

Some electric blankets have heat settings explicitly designed for adults and older children, while others are designed for younger children who may not be able to handle the heat on their own yet. Some also have safety features such as auto shut-offs or automatic temperature control systems to protect against overheating and overloading the circuits in your home if misused by children or pets (for example, by leaving them on overnight). Make sure that any features that you are looking for are included in any specifications before

·         Voltage

Voltage is the most important thing you should consider when choosing an electric blanket manufacturer. Generally, you would want to buy an electric blanket with 110-120VAC or 220-240VAC. If you plan on using your blanket in the United States or Canada, then it is safe to assume that you can use any brand of electric blanket. However, buying an electric blanket with dual voltage might be wise if you plan on traveling abroad because some countries only have one standard voltage (usually 220V).

·         Material

Electric blankets come in many different materials, including cotton and wool. Cotton blankets are great for people who like the feel of cotton against their skin, but wool is more luxurious, feels more luxurious against your skin and is more durable over time (the thread will last longer than cotton). Cotton is cheaper than wool, but if money is not an issue, go with wool.

·         Size

The size of your electric blanket is also vital because it will determine how much heat it will provide and how long it will last before needing replacement. However, most people prefer more oversized blankets because they feel more comfortable living alone or with only one other person in the house. Smaller blankets might be better suited for you because they last longer than larger ones.

·         Color

Could you look over the color and design of your electric blanket? If it will be used in your bedroom or living room, it should have a neutral color scheme to not clash with other furniture or décor. You can also choose from various patterns and designs that will add style to your home while providing warmth during the winter.

·         Packaging

The packaging of the products is one of the most important factors to consider before buying a particular product. The packaging should be strong enough to last long and not break easily.

10.  What Certificate When Importing Electric Blankets From China?

When importing electric blankets from China, you have to be careful. You should consider several things before you make your final decision.

First, the certificate issued by the Chinese government is vital. This certificate shows that the blanket has been tested and met all regulatory requirements for importation into China.

Please check if a local government agency in your residence has approved your electric blanket. These certificates include:

ETL and FDA for the USA market

To import electric blankets from China, you must have an ETL certificate. ETL stands for Electrical Testing Laboratory and is a standard that ensures that the product meets safety standards. An independent testing lab will issue the ETL certificate.

The FDA is another government agency that regulates the safety of products sold in the United States. It is vital to have a manufacturer’s statement on your electric blanket stating it has passed all tests required by this agency and is safe for use in the US market.

CE and GS for the EU market

CE Marking and GS Marking are mandatory for importing electric blankets from China to the EU market. The CE marking means that the product has been tested in an accredited laboratory and found to comply with EN-71 standards. On the other hand, the GS marking means a significant energy efficiency difference between this class of products and their international counterparts.

SAA for Australia

The Standard and Accredited Australian Attestation (or SAA) is a stamp or label that certifies that the product meets all relevant standards and regulations regarding fire safety, electrical safety, fabric performance, and material composition. A government agency or other organization issues the SAA to prove that the product has passed strict testing procedures.

OEKO-TEX, REACH, RoHS, and AZO chemical certificate

The OEKO-TEX, REACH, RoHS, and AZO chemical certificate is required for electric blankets in the EU.

A registered testing laboratory must issue the certificate per EN71/ 2-13:2011/EU requirements. The certification means the electric blanket conforms to EU and national safety standards.

Audit Factory with BSCI and CQC 

Inspect the factory that manufactures your electric blanket with BSCI and CQC. That will ensure the production complies with European Union standards, ensuring the products are high-quality and safe. The audit will also help you determine whether the factory has any issues to address before importing your electric blanket from China.


11.  Electric Blanket FAQ


11.1 Should an electric blanket be under or over your covers? Why?

Electric blankets can be used under or on your sleeping bags, comforters, blankets, and sheets. The most important thing to remember is that electric blankets should always be placed on a flat surface (not under the covers) so they do not get caught up in the bedding.

Consider using an electric blanket with a duvet cover. A duvet cover will trap the heat inside and prevent it from escaping through the sides of your bed. That means that you will stay warmer longer without having to turn on the air conditioner as often throughout the night.

11.2 Electric blanket when pregnant

Yes, you can use an electric blanket while pregnant. However, you must choose the right size for your body. You should also avoid touching the blanket or using it when pregnant, as this may cause various health complications for you and your baby.

If you want to use an electric blanket while pregnant, ensure it suits your body temperature. A standard electric blanket has a temperature range between 60°C and 110°C (140°F and 230°F). The lower end of this range is perfect for pregnant people; the higher end can lead to overheating and possibly mild dehydration.

11.3 Why is my electric blanket blinking?

Blinking can happen in several different ways, but the most common cause of blinking is most likely a loose connection on the control board. If you have tried all other possible fixes and your electric blanket blinks, this is likely your problem. The control board needs to be replaced.

11.4 Who should not use an electric blanket?

Electric blankets are not recommended for use by people with a history of heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. They are also not recommended for pregnant women or anyone who has reacted significantly to a heating pad or similar product.

11.5 How long does an electric blanket last

Electric blankets last longer than standard blankets because they are not made with cotton or wool. They use synthetic fibers that do not wear out quickly and have less energy.

Electric blankets are designed to be used for many years. The average lifespan of an electric blanket is 10-15 years. The heating elements inside the blanket will start to wear out after about eight years, but the blanket will still work well for much longer.

Electric blankets are designed to last long, so you do not need to worry about replacing them too soon.

11.6 Can a broken electric blanket be repaired?

Yes, you can repair a broken electric blanket. The best way to fix a fractured blanket is by replacing the defective parts with new ones. That is done by replacing the old wires with new ones. The cables must be connected when they are re-connected to their terminals.

Once you have replaced all the parts of your electric blanket, you must test it before putting it back on your bed. I would also like you to please check that there are no loose connections to avoid any problems later.

11.7 Is it possible to wash an electric blanket, and how?

Yes, you can wash your electric blanket. However, it is recommended that you only use cold water and a mild detergent or fabric softener. You should also be careful not to use abrasive items such as scrubbers or brushes when washing the blanket, which can scratch the fabric.

We recommend that you do not machine-wash or tumble-dry your electric blanket, as this will damage the fibers and cause them to become unusable.

Please remove it from its cover to wash your electric blanket and place it in a washing machine with cold water. Make sure you turn the setting on “delicate,” as this will help prevent any damage to the fabric.

After washing, make sure that you dry it thoroughly using a towel or mesh laundry bag before placing it back into its cover.

11.8 Is using electric blankets by senior citizens in the winter safe?

Electric blankets are safe for children, adults, and seniors. They are made from safe materials that do not cause any harm to the user or their environment.

11.9 Is it safe to sleep with an electric blanket on?

Yes, a properly-used electric blanket is safe to use while you sleep. However, it is vital that you follow the instructions and do not put the blanket on until after you have turned off your heat source or gone to bed.

11.10 What are the best battery-operated electric blankets for camping?

The best battery-operated electric blankets for camping have a high warmth rating, are made of solid and durable materials, and have a good design. The more durable the veil, the longer it will last.

A high warmth rating means the blanket can keep you warm on freezing nights, even when it is not raining. A high warmth rating is not always necessary, but it is vital if you plan to use your electric blanket in colder weather.

For example, suppose you are going camping in winter and want to keep warm on cold nights. In that case, you should get an electric blanket with a higher temperature rating than one with only a medium temperature rating.

The material that makes up your electric blanket should be strong enough not to tear easily or break apart during use. Although some blankets have plastic components, they are typically made from a durable material like nylon or polyester instead of cotton or synthetic fibers like acrylics or fluorocarbons (FCFs).

These materials are less likely to break down over time than cotton or synthetic materials such as acrylics and fluorocarbons (FCFs), which can decay if sunlight or moisture (i.e., humidity).

11.11 Is it dangerous to have a pet heating pad for the cat?

The answer is no. It is not dangerous. The heating pad is designed to protect your cat from the cold and keep them warm. You do not need a heat lamp or hot water bottle if you have a pet heating pad for cats.

The pet heating pad is a safe alternative to a heat lamp and can be used indoors or outdoors without any risk of harming your cat.

The pads are safe and tested by the manufacturer and animal assurance groups.

The pads are safe to use around pets because they heat up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and will not cause any harm to your pet. Pets can also get hot spots from using these pads; you must check them regularly.

11.12 What are considered safe temperatures for heating pads?

The temperature range should be between 40 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit for heating pads. If you do not have temperature control, you should not use the heating pad above your skin temperature. The best way to ensure your heating pad is safe is by checking the label.

12.  Why Choose Huntersourcing As Your Electric Blanket Sourcing Agent?

Huntersourcing is your best and most reliable electric blanket sourcing agent. The company has a strong reputation in the industry because of its outstanding customer service and high-quality products. Huntersourcing is a trusted and reliable electric blanket supplier.

You can take advantage of its efficient team that offers consulting services on various fronts, including shipping and logistics, customs clearance, and price negotiation. The team will help you choose the proper electric blanket manufacturer that follows strict quality control in its production process, from sample development to design and packaging.

The company conducts market research regularly to arm itself with the latest information for detailed consulting services. If you want any information regarding supply chain management or the latest product research, look no further than Huntersourcing.


When importing electric blankets from China, nothing is more important than sound quality, timely delivery, customer service, and value for money.

Finding an electric blanket manufacturer that meets all these requirements can be challenging. That is where Huntersourcing comes in.

As a leading electric blanket sourcing agent, Huntersourcing is your best choice for all your electrical blanket needs. Contact Huntersourcing and start doing business with the best sourcing agent in the world.

Placing a heated blanket under your sheets warms up your bed instantly and provides you with comfort while you sleep. But how do you choose the best heated blanket? That’s what you can find out in this post. We’ve provided information on how electric blankets work, their benefits and how to choose the best one for your needs.

How do Heated Blankets Work?

A heated blankets is a flat piece of material with fiberglass cabling integrated into the fabric. When you plug your heated blanket in, it transforms electricity into heat. The heat generated by the fiberglass tubes is basically infrared which is safer.

This heat is distributed throughout the tubes inside the fabric and this heat is then transferred to you. Most people place their heating blankets underneath their sheets to keep them warm at night. But there are also other models such as small heating pads that you can place over your shoulders.

Benefits of Heated Blankets

The purpose of a heated blanket is to keep you warm during winter. However, these blankets provide users with many other benefits. Read this next section to find out what these benefits are.

Eases Muscle Tightness

Are you an athlete who suffers from tender muscles after a workout? Or do you sit in an uncomfortable office chair all day that causes discomfort? The warmth from a heated blanket can alleviate your pain.

Heat from the blanket increases blood flow in your body to speed up muscle repair and ease joint discomfort. If you have shoulder and neck pain you can get smaller products like the fast heating pad. This blanket wraps around your shoulders and has customized heat levels.

Improves Your Sleep

Changes in temperature can disrupt your sleep. This is especially true if you suffer from chronic pain. Heated blankets are also designed to promote better sleep. Using a heated blanket provides consistent heat throughout the evening so you don’t wake up from the cold.

Saves Energy

Did you know that heated blankets are energy-efficient? Increasing the thermostat in your home can raise your electricity bills each month. These nifty blankets can’t heat up an entire room, but they do provide consistent warmth when switched on.

How to Choose the Best Heated Blanket

Not every heated blanket is the same so it’s important to look at a few key factors before choosing one. Here are a few specifications you should consider before buying a heated blanket.


Heating blankets come in all shapes and sizes. There are heating pads such as the that are designed for targeted pain relief. This heating pad is smaller and ideal for one person. It can be put on a bed, couch or even the floor.

On the other hand, you also get larger heating blankets that are designed to go on your bed. If you’re buying a warm blanket for your bed, make sure it’s the correct length and width for your bed size.


Another specification to consider is the material the heated blanket is made from. There are some heating pads that are made with soft microfiber material. There are also electric blankets made with soft, plush material like the that fits perfectly on a double bed.

The HM-BD002 model doesn’t have to be placed under a sheet. This means you can sleep on top of or under the blanket. You must choose a heated blanket with a material that won’t irritate your skin. Additionally, make sure the material is washable by checking the labels of the item.

Heating Controls

One of the most important features to consider is the controls on a heated blanket. You must be able to adjust the temperature of your blanket using a twist dial or a button. The Taotronics EJ-BD036 Sable electric heated throw has three options: Low, medium and high.

By pressing the button on the heated blanket, you can set it to a temperature you prefer. You also want to make sure that the control pad is easy to reach. Ideally, you want a heated blanket that has a longer cord so you can place the control pad on a table next to you.

Ease of Maintenance

Like any type of blanket your electric one can get dirty over time. Therefore, you’ll want to choose a blanket that’s easy to keep clean. Some heated blankets are machine washable. Read the instructions carefully when maintaining your electric blanket so you don’t damage the wiring.

Safety Features

Modern heating blankets come with many safety features. Choose a blanket that has an automatic shut off feature so that it turns off when you’re not using it. The blanket should also have overheated protection so that the item’s material doesn’t burn.

Furthermore, the blanket’s fabric should be thick enough to protect your skin from burns. There should be no exposed wires or piping.


Some electric blankets simply come with a dial control without any indication lights. You want to choose a heated blanket that has LED lights to show you what temperature it’s on. There are also models that have a digital display so you can see the temperature level in low-light conditions.

Final Thoughts

If you were looking for ways to keep warm this winter without raising your electricity bills, then a heated blanket might be the answer you’re looking for. However, it’s important to choose the right electric blanket to experience all the benefits of the product.

For targeted pain relief we recommend getting a heated pad. But for improved sleep and comfort consider getting a large, plush blanket for your bed. Use this guide to assist you with all the information you need to choose the right heated blanket for your needs.

Electric Blanket Manufacturers in China: Your Gateway to ...

Many people know the importance of using a heat blanket in winter. They know it can help them to stay warm and comfortable while sleeping. However, they are unsure where to find China's best electric blanket manufacturer. As an entrepreneur, you can use this and bring electric blankets closer to these people.

The good news is that you do not have to look further than China to purchase electric blankets. Many manufacturers offer high-quality products at competitive prices that will help you stay warm for longer.

This guide includes some things you should consider when choosing a heat blanket from China. We will also provide tips on finding the best electric blanket manufacturer from China so your purchase goes as smoothly as possible.

1.      Electric Blanket Market Trends

The use of electric blankets to provide comfort and warmth during cold weather has increased significantly over recent years. This trend has increased the sales volume of electric blankets in all major regions worldwide. To understand how this market is expected to grow, it will be essential to understand some of its key trends and drivers that are expected to contribute significantly towards its overall growth over the next few years:

1) Increased use in households

The primary reason why many people buy electric blankets is that they are a more cost-effective way of providing warmth than using other forms of heating, such as firewood or kerosene stoves. Another reason for this increasing demand is that these products are easy to use and install without professional help from an electrician or plumber. Many people who previously did not own an electric blanket now have one as part of their household inventory due to its affordability and convenience.

2) Government Initiatives

Several governments worldwide are exploring ways and means to promote healthy living habits by promoting health awareness programs for people who lead busy lifestyles and do not get enough time for exercise or physical activities. These initiatives will help in increasing sales volumes of electric blankets in their respective countries by providing incentives for individuals who purchase these products from their stores or online portals as well as offering rebates/discounts on such purchases

4) Increasing number of people suffering from cold weather conditions

As per a report by Business Insider, more than half of all Americans suffer from cold-related health issues at least once a year. That may include coughs and sneezes, aches and pains, fever and chills, sore throat, sinus headaches, congestion, etc. Cold weather also increases the consumption of medicines and other products such as heaters, hand warmers, hot water bottles, and even electric blankets for better health benefits.


2.      The Best Seller Electric Blanket Sale &Sourcing Price

The best seller of wholesale electric blankets is that who offers reasonable prices. Whether you are looking for a king-size or queen-size electric blanket, you should ensure that you are getting value for your money.

3.      What Are The Pros And Cons Of Electric Blankets?

Electric blankets are the best choice for a warming effect without using your heater or stove. The blanket can be used in any homeroom, but it is best placed in the living room or bedroom, keeping you warm all night.

The pros and cons of electric blankets are:


·         Convenient

Electric blankets are very convenient because you do not have to worry about turning them on and off again once plugged in. You can leave it on all night and wake up warm and comfortable.

·         Effective

Electric blankets heat the environment because they create more heat than traditional heaters. That means people sleeping under electric blankets can stay warm all night without turning their heater on again or waking up early to turn it off.

·         Easy to use

Electric blankets are easy to use because they do not need tools or equipment other than an outlet and an outlet cord. Anyone who has used an electrical appliance before will know how easy it is to use one.

·         They save energy

Electric blankets may be more energy efficient than other forms of heating, as they use less energy to produce the same amount of heat.


They do not require messy spills: Electric blankets are not shabby like traditional heaters that need cleaning up after use.

·         They save energy

Electric blankets do not require oil or wood to operate, which means less money is spent on fuel costs and lower carbon emissions caused by burning gas or oil for heat.

·         They are eco-friendly

Electric blankets use no oil, so they are more eco-friendly than other heating methods, such as fireplaces and space heaters.


-The blankets can be bulky, which may not be ideal for those with limited space in their homes or apartments.

-The blankets take a long time to heat up, so they are not ideal if you need something quickly on cold nights or mornings after getting out of bed in the morning before it gets dark outside (or if you are going somewhere and do not want to wait around for your blanket).

4. How Electric Blankets Work?

Electric blankets work by passing AC electricity through wires in an electric blanket. As the electricity passes through these wires, it produces heat energy that can be used by your body to keep you warm at night.

Electric blankets use a power pack that plugs into an electrical outlet or a battery pack that plugs into an outlet, as well as a transformer that converts AC power into DC for charging up the power pack and battery pack, depending on whether you choose an AC or DC model of an electric blanket.

5.      How Blankets Are Made?

Electric blankets are manufactured in factories. They are made by heating a mixture of plastic and metal foil. The mixture is then molded into the final shape of the blanket. The electric blanket is then covered with a layer of fabric and sewn together.

Electric blankets are made from polyethylene plastic (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or polyester fiber. They can be solid or air-filled, allowing them to heat up faster than traditional electric blankets.

6.      How Many Watts Electric Blankets?

The wattage of an electric blanket is measured in watts. The higher the number, the warmer the veil will be. Most electric blankets have a rating of around 100 watts or more, enough to heat most rooms very well.

The power of your electric blanket is measured in kilowatts (kW). A higher number means it will heat your room faster and keep you warm for extended periods. The higher the kilowatt rating, the more power it takes to run your electric blanket.

An electric blanket with low wattage may still provide good comfort if you use it on a freezing night or want something that will not add too much weight to your bedding set but keeps you warm enough during the winter.

7.      What Electric Blanket Is Best?

The best electric blankets are the ones that will keep you warm when it is cold and will not keep you too hot when it is hot.

However, it would help if you considered many other factors before buying an electric blanket. Here are some of the main ones:

How much space do you have? When shopping for an electric blanket, measuring the space available in your room is essential. If there is not much space open, look for a smaller model. If a lot of space is available, look for a larger model.

Do you want to use the electric blanket while you sleep or just during the winter? If you only want to use it at night when it gets cold outside and then put it away during the summer, then a tiny model might be best. However, if you want to use it throughout the year, consider one of those large models with plenty of extra features like warming settings and other extras that can help keep you warm all year.

8.      Where To Buy Electric Blankets?

The importation and exportation of goods have gone digital. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and suppliers can now market and sell their products online to other businesses and consumers. They can do so using various business-to-business and business-to-consumer platforms that have earned the trust of companies and buyers. Today, you do not have to travel to China to import electric blankets or other products. You can choose which online marketplace to use, and thousands of wholesalers, suppliers, and manufacturers will be selling directly to your country.

While many of these online marketplaces exist, not all offer the same services and level of trust. To save you time, we have listed a few top marketplaces you can trust:

Besides these websites, you can use one of the many sourcing agents to make your work easier. These agents, like Huntersourcing -China sourcing agents, will do everything for you, from price negotiation to monitoring production and ensuring that your blankets reach your destination country within the shortest period possible.

9.      How do you choose the best Electric Blanket manufacturer from China?

Choosing China's proper Electric Blanket manufacturer to export for your business can be challenging. It is important to note that there are many different types of manufacturers, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.

There are several factors that you need to consider when choosing an Electric Blanket manufacturer from China:

·         Quality

The quality of the product is one of the essential factors in choosing an electric blanket manufacturer from China. Remember that if you want your effects to last for a long time, then it is vital that you choose a manufacturer with a good reputation for quality control.

·         Warranty

The second thing you should look for when choosing an electric blanket manufacturer is a warranty on the product, which will protect you against any problems after purchase. You can also check the packaging and ensure nothing is missing, such as manuals or warranties. If there are any missing items, could you make sure they are marked so you know what to expect from them when using the blanket?

For more electric heating pad for neck manufacturerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

·         Certificates

If you want to export your goods, the company you choose must have all the certificates and licenses required by the country they will be shipping to. That ensures they are legally allowed to sell their products in your market. All companies must have specific qualifications and licenses before qualifying as an electric blanket manufacturer.

·         Design

The design of an electric blanket can be a good indicator of how well the product will perform. The design should be appealing, functional, and durable enough to last many uses. If you want an electric blanket that will last for years, look for something designed with longevity. Some designs are more prone to breaking or wearing out over time, so please ensure your chosen manufacturer has handled these issues before creating their product line.

·         Customize

One of the first things you should look at when choosing an electric blanket manufacturer is to see if they can customize their products for your business. Your business must get what it wants; it may not be your best choice if it cannot do this.

·         Logo

Could you look at the logo and research it to find out if the company is reputable? You should look for an electric blanket brand in business for several years to be known locally and internationally and provide quality products at reasonable prices.

·         Features

Some electric blankets have heat settings explicitly designed for adults and older children, while others are designed for younger children who may not be able to handle the heat on their own yet. Some also have safety features such as auto shut-offs or automatic temperature control systems to protect against overheating and overloading the circuits in your home if misused by children or pets (for example, by leaving them on overnight). Make sure that any features that you are looking for are included in any specifications before

·         Voltage

Voltage is the most important thing you should consider when choosing an electric blanket manufacturer. Generally, you would want to buy an electric blanket with 110-120VAC or 220-240VAC. If you plan on using your blanket in the United States or Canada, then it is safe to assume that you can use any brand of electric blanket. However, buying an electric blanket with dual voltage might be wise if you plan on traveling abroad because some countries only have one standard voltage (usually 220V).

·         Material

Electric blankets come in many different materials, including cotton and wool. Cotton blankets are great for people who like the feel of cotton against their skin, but wool is more luxurious, feels more luxurious against your skin and is more durable over time (the thread will last longer than cotton). Cotton is cheaper than wool, but if money is not an issue, go with wool.

·         Size

The size of your electric blanket is also vital because it will determine how much heat it will provide and how long it will last before needing replacement. However, most people prefer more oversized blankets because they feel more comfortable living alone or with only one other person in the house. Smaller blankets might be better suited for you because they last longer than larger ones.

·         Color

Could you look over the color and design of your electric blanket? If it will be used in your bedroom or living room, it should have a neutral color scheme to not clash with other furniture or décor. You can also choose from various patterns and designs that will add style to your home while providing warmth during the winter.

·         Packaging

The packaging of the products is one of the most important factors to consider before buying a particular product. The packaging should be strong enough to last long and not break easily.

10.  What Certificate When Importing Electric Blankets From China?

When importing electric blankets from China, you have to be careful. You should consider several things before you make your final decision.

First, the certificate issued by the Chinese government is vital. This certificate shows that the blanket has been tested and met all regulatory requirements for importation into China.

Please check if a local government agency in your residence has approved your electric blanket. These certificates include:

ETL and FDA for the USA market

To import electric blankets from China, you must have an ETL certificate. ETL stands for Electrical Testing Laboratory and is a standard that ensures that the product meets safety standards. An independent testing lab will issue the ETL certificate.

The FDA is another government agency that regulates the safety of products sold in the United States. It is vital to have a manufacturer’s statement on your electric blanket stating it has passed all tests required by this agency and is safe for use in the US market.

CE and GS for the EU market

CE Marking and GS Marking are mandatory for importing electric blankets from China to the EU market. The CE marking means that the product has been tested in an accredited laboratory and found to comply with EN-71 standards. On the other hand, the GS marking means a significant energy efficiency difference between this class of products and their international counterparts.

SAA for Australia

The Standard and Accredited Australian Attestation (or SAA) is a stamp or label that certifies that the product meets all relevant standards and regulations regarding fire safety, electrical safety, fabric performance, and material composition. A government agency or other organization issues the SAA to prove that the product has passed strict testing procedures.

OEKO-TEX, REACH, RoHS, and AZO chemical certificate

The OEKO-TEX, REACH, RoHS, and AZO chemical certificate is required for electric blankets in the EU.

A registered testing laboratory must issue the certificate per EN71/ 2-13:2011/EU requirements. The certification means the electric blanket conforms to EU and national safety standards.

Audit Factory with BSCI and CQC 

Inspect the factory that manufactures your electric blanket with BSCI and CQC. That will ensure the production complies with European Union standards, ensuring the products are high-quality and safe. The audit will also help you determine whether the factory has any issues to address before importing your electric blanket from China.


11.  Electric Blanket FAQ


11.1 Should an electric blanket be under or over your covers? Why?

Electric blankets can be used under or on your sleeping bags, comforters, blankets, and sheets. The most important thing to remember is that electric blankets should always be placed on a flat surface (not under the covers) so they do not get caught up in the bedding.

Consider using an electric blanket with a duvet cover. A duvet cover will trap the heat inside and prevent it from escaping through the sides of your bed. That means that you will stay warmer longer without having to turn on the air conditioner as often throughout the night.

11.2 Electric blanket when pregnant

Yes, you can use an electric blanket while pregnant. However, you must choose the right size for your body. You should also avoid touching the blanket or using it when pregnant, as this may cause various health complications for you and your baby.

If you want to use an electric blanket while pregnant, ensure it suits your body temperature. A standard electric blanket has a temperature range between 60°C and 110°C (140°F and 230°F). The lower end of this range is perfect for pregnant people; the higher end can lead to overheating and possibly mild dehydration.

11.3 Why is my electric blanket blinking?

Blinking can happen in several different ways, but the most common cause of blinking is most likely a loose connection on the control board. If you have tried all other possible fixes and your electric blanket blinks, this is likely your problem. The control board needs to be replaced.

11.4 Who should not use an electric blanket?

Electric blankets are not recommended for use by people with a history of heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. They are also not recommended for pregnant women or anyone who has reacted significantly to a heating pad or similar product.

11.5 How long does an electric blanket last

Electric blankets last longer than standard blankets because they are not made with cotton or wool. They use synthetic fibers that do not wear out quickly and have less energy.

Electric blankets are designed to be used for many years. The average lifespan of an electric blanket is 10-15 years. The heating elements inside the blanket will start to wear out after about eight years, but the blanket will still work well for much longer.

Electric blankets are designed to last long, so you do not need to worry about replacing them too soon.

11.6 Can a broken electric blanket be repaired?

Yes, you can repair a broken electric blanket. The best way to fix a fractured blanket is by replacing the defective parts with new ones. That is done by replacing the old wires with new ones. The cables must be connected when they are re-connected to their terminals.

Once you have replaced all the parts of your electric blanket, you must test it before putting it back on your bed. I would also like you to please check that there are no loose connections to avoid any problems later.

11.7 Is it possible to wash an electric blanket, and how?

Yes, you can wash your electric blanket. However, it is recommended that you only use cold water and a mild detergent or fabric softener. You should also be careful not to use abrasive items such as scrubbers or brushes when washing the blanket, which can scratch the fabric.

We recommend that you do not machine-wash or tumble-dry your electric blanket, as this will damage the fibers and cause them to become unusable.

Please remove it from its cover to wash your electric blanket and place it in a washing machine with cold water. Make sure you turn the setting on “delicate,” as this will help prevent any damage to the fabric.

After washing, make sure that you dry it thoroughly using a towel or mesh laundry bag before placing it back into its cover.

11.8 Is using electric blankets by senior citizens in the winter safe?

Electric blankets are safe for children, adults, and seniors. They are made from safe materials that do not cause any harm to the user or their environment.

11.9 Is it safe to sleep with an electric blanket on?

Yes, a properly-used electric blanket is safe to use while you sleep. However, it is vital that you follow the instructions and do not put the blanket on until after you have turned off your heat source or gone to bed.

11.10 What are the best battery-operated electric blankets for camping?

The best battery-operated electric blankets for camping have a high warmth rating, are made of solid and durable materials, and have a good design. The more durable the veil, the longer it will last.

A high warmth rating means the blanket can keep you warm on freezing nights, even when it is not raining. A high warmth rating is not always necessary, but it is vital if you plan to use your electric blanket in colder weather.

For example, suppose you are going camping in winter and want to keep warm on cold nights. In that case, you should get an electric blanket with a higher temperature rating than one with only a medium temperature rating.

The material that makes up your electric blanket should be strong enough not to tear easily or break apart during use. Although some blankets have plastic components, they are typically made from a durable material like nylon or polyester instead of cotton or synthetic fibers like acrylics or fluorocarbons (FCFs).

These materials are less likely to break down over time than cotton or synthetic materials such as acrylics and fluorocarbons (FCFs), which can decay if sunlight or moisture (i.e., humidity).

11.11 Is it dangerous to have a pet heating pad for the cat?

The answer is no. It is not dangerous. The heating pad is designed to protect your cat from the cold and keep them warm. You do not need a heat lamp or hot water bottle if you have a pet heating pad for cats.

The pet heating pad is a safe alternative to a heat lamp and can be used indoors or outdoors without any risk of harming your cat.

The pads are safe and tested by the manufacturer and animal assurance groups.

The pads are safe to use around pets because they heat up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and will not cause any harm to your pet. Pets can also get hot spots from using these pads; you must check them regularly.

11.12 What are considered safe temperatures for heating pads?

The temperature range should be between 40 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit for heating pads. If you do not have temperature control, you should not use the heating pad above your skin temperature. The best way to ensure your heating pad is safe is by checking the label.

12.  Why Choose Huntersourcing As Your Electric Blanket Sourcing Agent?

Huntersourcing is your best and most reliable electric blanket sourcing agent. The company has a strong reputation in the industry because of its outstanding customer service and high-quality products. Huntersourcing is a trusted and reliable electric blanket supplier.

You can take advantage of its efficient team that offers consulting services on various fronts, including shipping and logistics, customs clearance, and price negotiation. The team will help you choose the proper electric blanket manufacturer that follows strict quality control in its production process, from sample development to design and packaging.

The company conducts market research regularly to arm itself with the latest information for detailed consulting services. If you want any information regarding supply chain management or the latest product research, look no further than Huntersourcing.


When importing electric blankets from China, nothing is more important than sound quality, timely delivery, customer service, and value for money.

Finding an electric blanket manufacturer that meets all these requirements can be challenging. That is where Huntersourcing comes in.

As a leading electric blanket sourcing agent, Huntersourcing is your best choice for all your electrical blanket needs. Contact Huntersourcing and start doing business with the best sourcing agent in the world.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website electric blanket switches.